
Common Parser Utilities

Collection of input parser utilities to extract IP addresses.

This includes common regex patterns and utilities for extracting IP addresses for resolution.

class libchickadee.parsers.ParserBase(ignore_bogon=True)

Base class for parsers, containing common utilities.


Check data for IP addresses. Results stored in self.ips.


data (str) – String to search for IP address content.



static is_bogon(ip_addr)

Identifies whether an IP address is a known BOGON.


ip_addr (str) – Valid IP address to check.


Whether or not the IP is a known BOGON address.

Return type


static strip_ipv6(ipv6_addr)

Isolate IPv6 Value containing a % symbol.


ipv6_addr (str) – Raw IPv6 IP address to strip.


IP address base.

Return type


libchickadee.parsers.run_parser_from_cli(args, parser_obj)

Allow a parser to run from the command line, both for testing and increased usability.

Plain Text Parser

Parse IP addresses from plain text files. Plain text files include logs, CSVs, JSON, and other formats where ascii strings contain IPv4 or IPv6 addresses.

Also supported reading from gzipped compressed plain text data without needing to first decompress it.

class libchickadee.parsers.plain_text.PlainTextParser(ignore_bogon=True)

Class to extract IP addresses from plain text and gzipped plain text files.

static is_gz_file(filepath)

Validate whether the input is GZipped.


filepath (str) – File path to test.


True if a gzip file signature is identified.

Return type


parse_file(file_entry, is_stream=False)

Parse contents of the file and extract IP addresses.

Will read from STDIN or path to a file. Stores results in self.ips.

  • file_entry (str or file_obj) – Path to file for reading.

  • is_stream (bool) – Whether the input file is a file to open or a file-like object.



XLSX File Parser

Parse IP addresses from XLSX files. This will extract IP addresses stored as values (not formulas) across all tabs within a spreadsheet.

class libchickadee.parsers.xlsx.XLSXParser(ignore_bogon=True)

Class to extract IP addresses from XLSX workbooks.

parse_file(file_entry, is_stream=False)

Parse xlsx contents. Must be a path to an existing XLSX workbook. Cannot parse from STDIN.

  • file_entry (str) – Path to workbook to load.

  • is_stream (bool) – Unused argument, required for implementation. Does not change functionality.

Extract IP addresses from EVTX files.

class libchickadee.parsers.evtx.EVTXParser(ignore_bogon=True)

Class to expose EVTX record contents for IP address extraction

parse_file(file_entry, is_stream=False)

Parse EVTX contents. Must be a path to an existing EVTX file. Cannot parse from STDIN.

  • file_entry (str) – Path to EVTX file to load.

  • is_stream (bool) – Unused argument, required for implementation. Does not change functionality.

Indices and tables