Chickadee Documentation

Table of Contents:

Libchickadee Overview

Yet another GeoIP resolution tool.

Libchickadee is a library consisting of tools to extract IP addresses from files, resolve the IP address information using third-party data sources, and present the resolutions to the end-user in an easy to consume manner. While the library consists all of these components, it is primarily leveraged by a single command line utility, chickadee. The library components can be called outside of the chickadee utility and this documentation provides information on using the library in addition to the command line tool.


You may install Chickadee on your platform using pip install chickadee (you may need to use pip3 depending on your system configuration). Please ensure you are using Python 3

You may also install via the source code as detailed below.

macOS and Linux


  • Python 3+, installed on your path

  • Virtualenv (pip3 install virtualenv)

  1. Clone the git repo: git clone

  2. Create your virtual environment virtualenv -p python3 venv3 and activate it (source venv3/bin/activate)

  3. Install dependencies: pip install .

  4. Run chickadee --help to get started.



  • Python 3+, installed on your path

  • Virtualenv (pip.exe install virtualenv)

  1. Clone the git repo: git clone

  2. Create your virtual environment virtualenv -p python3 venv3 and activate it (.\venv3\Scripts\activate)

  3. Install dependencies: pip install .

  4. Run chickadee --help to get started.

Install the latest features without Git

If you would like to install the latest pre-release version, feel free to use the above steps to clone the repository and install. You can also use pip to directly install the latest master branch from GitHub by running:

` pip install git+ `


We appreciate contributions to the project! If you have an idea, big or small, and want to lend a hand - feel free to follow the steps in this guide to get started.

Looking for some inspiration? Check out the project issues page for inspiration. You are also welcome to contribute new ideas, features, or improvements.

We are happy to assist with any questions you have as you are working on the project. Feel free to throw it as a new issue in GitHub. When in doubt, just ask :) happy to provide guidance to those new to contributing to projects!

The below steps outline the technical process for contributing to chickadee:

  1. A GitHub account

  2. Create a fork of the chickadee repository

  3. Install git tools on your system

  4. Clone your fork to your local system

  5. Check out a new branch with a descriptive name. ie git checkout -b zipfile-support

  6. Install development dependencies in dev-requirements.txt

  7. Make your modifications and write unit tests for new functionality

  8. Submit a pull request to the main chickadee repository

A few tips to help get your new feature integrated smoothly:

  • Ensure the whole project passes with flake8. Avoid excluding linting warnings whenever possible.

  • Run coverage run -m unittest discover and ensure all tests pass and all code files have at least 80% coverage. Avoid pragma statements whenever possible.

  • Add documentation to your new functions/scripts and integrate into the overall project documentation. Build the documentation before submitting the pull request.

  • As needed, update the argument and config file handling with help information to ensure users understand the purpose and functionality of the new capabilities.

When in doubt, reach out - we are happy to help with any of the above.

Usage & Examples

See Usage and chickadee Examples for examples on using the chickadee command line tool.



Collection of utilities for extracting IP addresses from different file formats. The chickadee utility handles IP addresses provided via STDIN and as argument parameters, though leverages these parsers to extract from file content. The chickadee utility does iterate over directories to expose files within folders recursively. With this, each parser needs to accept a path to a file to read.


This is where the IP address is resolved by a third-party data source. Each component is responsible for accepting one or more IP address and returning resolution data. The third-party sources will not be distributed with this library, each new resolver will have documentation to highlight the steps required to prepare the data source for use by the resolver module.

The writers for libchickadee are also stored in this module.


This includes the chickadee command line tool, used to interact with the library from the command line.

Indices and tables